The Imperial Star Navy Fleet has adopted the following policy regarding multiple characters on a single account:

· Players (identified by @account_handle) with multiple characters are highly encouraged to bring their Alternate Characters (Alts) into the Fleet.
· Players are discouraged, but not prohibited, from multi-fleeting (having same-faction characters in fleets other than Star Navy Fleet).
· The main character on each account should be designated as Primary; all others are to be designated as Alternates.
    · This designation should be identified in the character's "Member Comments" in the Roster tab of the Fleet Window (Alt+G).
· For the purpose of Permission Levels, All accounts may count the total contributions of all their characters across both our fleets for their fleet rank and permissions.
· Alternate characters may never out-rank their player's Primary character.
· Alternate characters may never hold a staff position.
· No member who has a character in a Staff position in any other Fleet may fill a Staff position within Star Navy.