Frontier Fleet has established the following merit-based Promotion system to facilitate participation and cooperation among fleet members. The purpose of this system is two-fold. First, to reward those members who have consistently contributed to the fleet, as a whole. Secondly, as an incentive to encourage others to become more involved in the daily goings-on of the fleet's activities. This rank system is intended to be flexible, adapting to both the needs of Fleet leadership and the members themselves.

Permission Level ISN Rank
Starfleet Equiv.
KDF Equivalent
Promotion Requirements Permissions
1 - Provisional Officer Centurion
Lieut. Commander
- None - Fleet Chat
- Fleet Mail
- Invite to Fleet
- Donate to Fleet Holdings
- Bank Deposits
2 - Junior Officer Subcommander
Lieut. Commander
- Contributed 25k+ Fleet Credits to Holdings - All Level 1 permissions
- Invite non-members to Fleet-owned maps
- Create new Fleet event
- Bank Withdraw: 1,000 EC/day
- Bank Withdraw: 1 Equipment/day; 5 Consumables/day
3 - Veteran Officer Commander
- Contributed 250k+ Fleet Credits to Holdings - All Level 2 permissions
- Bank Withdraw: 5,000 EC/day
- Bank Withdraw: 5 Equipment/day; 10 Consumables/day
4 - Staff Officer Subadmiral
Rear Admiral
- Contributed 1M+ Fleet Credits to Holdings - All Level 3 permissions
- Buy from provisioned fleet stores
- Bank Withdraw: 10,000 EC/day
- Bank Withdraw: 10 Equipment/day; 15 Consumables/day
5 - Senior Staff Admiral
Vice Admiral
- Familiarity with Fleet policies & procedures, in order to answer Recruit questions
- Regularly participates in missions/events with multiple fleet members
- Must have organized/led at least 1 event with 2+ other fleet members
- Regularly participates in all aspects of the Fleet experience, including missions, events, role-play, forum, and mentoring new Recruits
- Currently serving in Department Director position
- Maintains a level of participation & contribution commensurate with the position
- Revert to appropriate Fleet Rank when position is resigned or retired
- All Level 4 permissions
- Fleet Officer Chat
- See officer comments in Fleet Roster
- Bank Withdraw: 50,000 EC/day
- Bank Withdraw: 15 Equipment/day; 50 Consumables/day
6 - Fleet Commander Fleet Admiral
- Sets the example for expected levels of participation & contributions
- Revert to appropriate Fleet Rank when position is resigned or retired
- All Level 5 permissions
- Set Fleet uniform and emblem
- Set Fleet bank withdraw / deposit permissions
- Promote a lower Fleet rank
- Rename Fleet bank repository
- Change officer comments in Fleet Roster
- Demote a lower Fleet rank
- Promote to any Fleet rank
- Manage Fleet holdings
- Remove from Fleet
- Unlimited Bank Withdraws
7 - Fleet Leader Praetor
Fleet Admiral
Dahar Master
- Reserved for currently serving Praetor of the Imperial Romulan Senate
- Revert to appropriate Fleet Rank when position is resigned or retired
- Everything


· Donation amounts must be donations made to our fleet, not what the member has in their inventory or donated to other fleets.
· The Primay of Members with multiple characters receives credit for contributions made by all characters from the same account which are in Star Navy Fleet. Alternates recieve credit only from their own contributions.
· Role-play activity counts toward “mission participation” at the discretion of the Fleet Staff.
· A Staff Officer with multiple characters may grant their Alternates Commander permissions.
· No character identified as an alternate may hold any staff position or office.